Friday, May 23, 2008

My Stolen Hours

Sun was setting
The sky sprinkled with clouds
Of different shapes, forms and sizes
Throwing hidden meanings and symbols
Which I could never decipher.
Once I used to throw stones at the sky
While the setting sun slid down the horizon
Me wishing the world to spin fast
So the insignificant night be over
And I can go back to school.
Oh! How I wish I could return now!
And sit on my bench, second from the last
Discovering new horizons with my friends,
Throwing risky glance at the girls.
There were quiet some electrifying moments
Elected as classleader unexpectedly,
Talking to a pretty girl for the first time...
Each person was a new world,
Filled with mysteries and lots of adventures
And true friends, the greatest gift of life.
Me drowning in a lecture class,
Unfocussed in front of an open text,
Dreaming of that teenage dramaqueen.
And then there were silent deserted corridors,
The stolen hours spent alone with my dreamgirl!
Sweet pain of bamboo spanking,
Cool bruises from the football playground,
Standing in the front,with coloured clothes,
All of them singing with smiles and dimples
"Happy birthday to you, May God bless you"
My school was there always for me.
But how sad! I'd outgrown Her.
My school days were stolen from me
Much before I was ready or willing.
What wouldn't I give, to get those moments back!
But they are gone, forever and ever.
I am still a school boy,
But without my school.