Friday, July 15, 2011

Remembrance Of A Summer

They tried to steal it out of ma heart
Like precious eggs from a li'l bird's nest.
She told me without words, about all the complications
That prevent us from getting together.
Even yesternight I dreamed of that pretty goddess
She came to me and stayed with me.
The hours that we spent together,
Shone like the stars that never burn out.
You beat me up
Torture me and threaten me.
But Love is that something
Which cannot be stolen away.
It sticks on, like a sticky chewing gum.
Girls will come and girls will go
Everyone reminding me of you
And your passionate feminine love.
None of the girls I met
Could replace your 'idol' from within my heart.
Today, on this lonely valentines day,
I celebrate alone but for your memories
And the Love within me, which none can take,
Elevating me from this boring world
Into the divine heavens of invincibility,
It keeps me sedated, impervious to the woes
Of this mortal world which mocks and jocks
And laughs without mirth, shouts without meaning.
And when all is done, at last slumber comes
The sun has set, the lights are out,
I'll dive into the depths of sleep,
Hidden beneath the sheets of dreams
Warm love alive and aflame inside ma heart.